Our Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Wendy’s journey started as a child in a family that believed in natural healing through food. As a preteen, she allowed herself to take a detour due to a stressful situation, and gained weight and experienced health and other problems. Doctors put her on many medications and she experienced one side effect after another until one day she realized that she needed to take back control of her health.
Wendy started by changing her relationship with food, lost weight, eventually threw away all the medications and hasn’t looked back since. She has personally seen the evidence of clean eating and its effect on health from that experience and that of her 103 year old grandmother from whom she learned it and of whom she was a primary caretaker. Wendy realized she had a calling to spread the word of the healing powers of food when some people in the medical profession were amazed when she healed her grandfather with a natural remedy. That’s when she began her official education at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
Wendy is now a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach who looks to the root of the client’s health concerns and educates them about the tools needed to aid in the body’s healing process. Some of the benefits reported by patients and clients include weight loss, decreased inflammation, changes in cholesterol levels, increased energy, and a marked change in behavioral issues in children. She holds a degree in Applied Science, is certified by T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, is a state certified Long Term Care Specialist, certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and is a certified Lifestyle Educator.
Wendy is also a N.J. Master Food Preserver certified through Cornell University and teaches foraging, canning, and cooking. She is a presenter at The Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) for foraging and Food Preserving.
Wendy’s passion lies in food, from seed to storage, creating health for the individual and the planet. She enjoys growing much of her food utilizing permaculture methods that allow the plants work synergistically to enhance nutrients and save water. One of her biggest passions is growing culinary mushrooms. Wendy feels that people are intimidated by food, it’s choice and preparation, and therefore eating becomes a boring, repetitious cycle. Being a gastronome, Wendy loves to expand people’s palette of food with spices and finds from nature, opening up their minds and palates to the bounty of inexpensive but nutritious foods that will break the cycle of boring meals and food products that make and keep them ill. Her vision is to enable families to buck the rising tide of chronic illness and live healthy now, and for generations to come.
Let’s face it, we all love to eat and our food and lifestyle choices affect our health. Recent studies show that only 25% of your health is genetic. The question is: how long do you want to live with a chronic illness, lack of energy, or just dissatisfaction? Open up your palates to the bounty and healing power of Mother Nature.