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A toxic internal environment and an unhealthy intestinal microbiome can cause and exacerbate many poor health states. They can also undermine your overall well-being and your body’s ability to prevent and heal from chronic diseases. The quickest way to bounce back and restore your health is to undergo an intensive, medically-supervised detox program, through which high concentrations of vegetables, fruits, and starches blast your body with nutrients and excrete the build-up of toxins in your system.

Dr. Weiss’ 30-Day Detox program is medically supervised by Dr. Weiss and supported by our team that is there for you every step of the way. With this combination of knowledge and support, many of our patients have gotten off their medications and have experienced dramatic changes in their weight, pain levels, sleep quality, blood pressure, cholesterol, and more. Imagine – in just one month, you can be free from the shackles and expenses of pharmaceuticals while feeling exponentially better. 

What are the objectives of The Detox?

Dr. Weiss’ 30-Day Detox will allow you to:

This program requires the patient to:  

What does The Detox include?

Your options are:

Prerequisite: Office Visit (in-person or telemedicine) with Dr. Weiss.